The future of food as described by Warren Belasco is a debate between the sustainability of industrial food versus the limitations of nature. Conservationists believe that the earth cannot handle the increasing population and increasing demands of food. Cornucopians on the other hand believe that humans can outsmart nature and create new technology to make up for the natural resources we lack. However, even satisfying these demands do not solve the problem of world hunger because greater portion of the food will be distributed to the wealthy. A major problem is the increased consumption of meat, alcohol, and luxury food items which take the most natural resource to produce. These items require the most corn and soy input which in turn requires fuel, water, and soil to grow. The limited amount of oil in the world will cause a fight over how much should be used towards agriculture and how much should be used in transportation among other daily routines. Fresh water is also limited because it cannot be replenished easily. Finally, current farming methods are causing soil erosion and at this rate the land available for agriculture will be depleted soon. In order to prevent this downfall, Belasco suggests a mixture of a technological fix and an anthropological fix. This entails changing people’s values and giving people more freedom to explore options to overcome the damages we created.
The main problem with the way we produce and consume food now is that it is not sustainable. Based on the readings, it is not hard to imagine how just a little increase in a population’s consumption per person or capita can affect worldwide agriculture and the depletion of natural resources. It is a simple idea to tell all the wealthy people to eat and waste less so we can feed the hungry because we have more than enough to feed the world, but it is a hard idea to implement. Although it is sad, most people only care about their own enjoyment in the moment rather than look into the problems of hunger and the problems we are creating for future generations. Like Belasco proposed, we have to change the people’s mindset. This is also a complicated feat. Thus, can it be done? Also, is technology really the fix when it created the problem?